

校内来源:工学院    校外来源:     作者:郑静     时间:2022-08-02



l 废水生物脱氮技术的开发与应用

l 抗生素抗性基因的传播与消

l 环境微生物的种间互作机制


l 《环境工程微生物

l 《环境工程微生物实验》


l 2021.02至今   杭州师范大学 教授

l 2018.08-2021.01 杭州师范大学 助理研究员

l 2012.09-2018.06 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境工程 博士(硕博连读)

l 2012.09-2014.06 中科院大学中丹学院-哥本哈根大学 环境工程 硕士(双学位)

l 2008.09-2012.06 河南师范大学 生物科学 学士


先后在项国家及省市课题的资助下,系统开展了anammox工艺的应用基础研究,以第一或通讯作者身份在Water ResearchChemical Engineering JournalEnvironment InternationalJournal of Hazardous MaterialsEnvironmental Science: Nano等国内外学术刊物上发表SCI论文30余篇Elsevier高被引论文1篇;获授权发明专利3。为浙江省生态学学会微生物生态学专业委员会委员;长期担任 ES&TWater Res.等多个SCI刊物的审稿专家。


l 典型兽用抗生素胁迫下厌氧氨氧化系统中的质粒组特征及抗性基因转移机制,2021-2023,国家自然科学基金项目

l 外援信号分子对厌氧氨氧化的影响机制研究,2020-2022,浙江省自然科学基金项目

l 厌氧氨氧化工艺处理畜禽养殖废水过程中微生物种群演替规律及响应机制研究,2019-2020,杭州市科技局项目


l “浙江省高校领军人才计划”青年优秀人才

l “杭州市高层次人才特殊支持计划”第一层次

l “杭州市高层次人才”E

l 杭州师范大学“高层次人才”五类

l “苏伊士新创建”优秀论文特等奖

l 《应用与环境生物学报》2017年度优秀论文奖



[1] Huang D.Q., Wang Q., Yang J.H., Jiang Y., Li Z.Y., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. Deciphering Endogenous and Exogenous Regulations of Anammox Consortia in Responding to Lincomycin by Multiomics: Quorum Sensing and CRISPR System. Water Research (Accepted)

[2] Wang X., Wang Q., Wang Z.Z., Ma W.J., Qiu J., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. Biotransformation-mediated detoxification of roxarsone in the anammox process: genetic and mechanistic insights. Chemical Engineering Journal (Accepted)

[3] Huang D.Q., Wang Y., Li Z.Y., Huang B.C., Yang M., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. Metabolomics and molecular simulation reveal the responding mechanism of anammox consortia to perfluorooctanoic acid by regulating metabolic network. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 460: 141712.

[4] Wang Y., Huang D.Q., Yang J.-H., Li G.F., Zhou Y.X., Zhang J.Y., Lu Y., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. Polyamide microplastics act as carriers for cephalexin in the anammox process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 451: 138685.

[5] Yang J.H., Huang D.Q., Geng Y.C., Ling Y.R., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.-C. Role of quorum sensing-based regulation in development of anaerobic ammonium oxidation process. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 367: 128228.


[1] Ma Y.L., Lu Z.Y., Fu J.J., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. Intracellular and Extracellular Protective Mechanisms of the Anammox Consortia Against Exogenous Sulfadimidine. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 434: 128817.

[2] Ma W.J., Wang X., Zhang J.T., Guo J.Y., Lin Y.X., Yao Y.X., Li G.F., Cheng Y.F., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. Adding exogenous protein relieves the toxicity of nanoparticles to anammox granular sludge by adsorption and the formation of eco-coronas. Environmental Science: Nano, 2022, 9(5): 1794-1804.

[3] Huang D.Q., Fu J.J., Li Z.Y., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. Inhibition of wastewater pollutants on the anammox process: A review. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 803: 150009.

[4] Fu J.J., Wang Y., Yang J.H., Huang D.Q., Zhang Q., Huang Y., Chen J.R., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. Mitigating the detrimental effects of salt stress on anammox process: A comparison between glycine betaine and mannitol. Science of the total environment, 2022, 851: 158221.

[5] Fu J.J., Huang D.Q., Bai Y.H., Shen X.Z., Huang Y., Ling Y.R., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. How anammox process resists the multi-antibiotic stress: Resistance gene accumulation and microbial community evolution. Science of the total environment, 2022, 807: 150784.

[6] Huang D.Q., Fu J.J., Li Z.Y., Huang Y., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. Removal of extracellular deoxyribonucleic acid increases the permeability and mass transfer of anammox granular sludge with different sizes. Chemosphere, 2022, 302: 134898.

[7] Huang D.Q., Huang Y., Wu Q., Chen J.R., Li Z.Y., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. Anammox sludge preservation: Preservative agents, temperature and substrate. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 311: 114860.


[1] Fan N.S., Fu J.J., Huang D.Q., Ma Y.L., Lu Z.Y., Jin R.C., Zheng P. Resistance genes and extracellular proteins relieve antibiotic stress on the anammox process. Water Research, 2021, 202: 117453.

[2] Ma W.J., Ren Z.Q., Yu L.Q., Wu X.X., Yao Y.X., Zhang J.T., Guo J.Y., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. Deciphering the response of anammox process to heavy metal and antibiotic stress: Arsenic enhances the permeability of extracellular polymeric substance and aggravates the inhibition of sulfamethoxazole. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 426: 130815.

[3] Zhang Q., Wu J., Yu Y.Y., He Y.J., Huang Y., Fan N.S.*, Huang B.C., Jin R.C. Microbial and genetic responses of anammox process to the successive exposure of different antibiotics. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 420: 127576.

[4] Zhang Q., Fan N.S.*, Fu J.J., Huang B.C., Jin R.C. Role and application of quorum sensing in anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) process: A review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2021, 51(6): 626-648.

[5] Fu J.J., Huang D.Q., Lu Z.Y., Ma Y.L., Xu X.W., Huang B.C., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. Comparison of the dynamic responses of different anammox granules to copper nanoparticle stress: Antibiotic exposure history made a difference. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 333: 125186.

[6] Zhang Q., Fu J.J., Wu Q.Y., Chen J.Y., Fan N.S.*, Huang B.C., Jin R.C. Build the expressway for the salt-tolerant anammox process: Acclimation strategy tells the story. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 278: 123921.

[7] Lu Z.Y., Fu J.J., Ma Y.L., Jin R.C., N.-S. Fan* Response of anammox granules to the simultaneous exposure to macrolide and aminoglycoside antibiotics: Linking performance to mechanism. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 286: 112267.


[1] Fan N.S., Bai Y.H., Wu J., Zhang Q., Fu J.J., Zhou W.L., Huang B.C., Jin R.C. A two-stage anammox process for the advanced treatment of high-strength ammonium wastewater: Microbial community and nitrogen transformation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 261: 121148.

[2] Wu J., Fan N.S.*, Yu Y.Y., He Y.J., Zhao Y.H., Zhang Q., Huang B.C., Jin R.C. Insight into the microbial and genetic responses of anammox granules to spiramycin: Comparison between two different dosing strategies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 258: 120993.

[3] Zhang Q., Zhang X., Bai Y.H., Xia W.J., Ni S.K., Wu Q.Y., Fan N.S.*, Huang B.C., Jin R.C. Exogenous extracellular polymeric substances as protective agents for the preservation of anammox granules. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 747: 141464.

[4] Fan N.S., Qi R., Huang B.C., Jin R.C., Yang M. Factors influencing Candidatus Microthrix parvicella growth and specific filamentous bulking control: A review. Chemosphere, 2020, 244: 125371.

[5] Fan N.S., Bai Y.H., Chen Q.Q., Shen Y.Y., Huang B.C., R.-C. Jin. Deciphering the toxic effects of antibiotics on denitrification: Process performance, microbial community and antibiotic resistance genes. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 262: 110375.

[6] Fu J.J., Zhang Q., Huang B.C., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. A review on anammox process for the treatment of antibiotic-containing wastewater: Linking effects with corresponding mechanisms. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2020, 15(1): 17. (高被引)

[7] Lu Z.Y., Ma Y.L., Zhang J.T., Fan N.S.*, Huang B.C., Jin R.C. A critical review of antibiotic removal strategies: Performance and mechanisms. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2020, 38: 101681.


[1] Fan N.S., Zhu X.L., Wu J., Tian Z., Bai Y.H., Huang B.C., Jin R.C. Deciphering the microbial and genetic responses of anammox biogranules to the single and joint stress of zinc and tetracycline. Environment International, 2019, 132: 105097.

[2] Chen Q.Q., Xu L.Z.J., Zhang Z.Z., Sun F.Q., Shi Z.J., Huang B.C., Fan N.S.*, Jin R.C. Insight into the short-and long-term effects of quinoline on anammox granules: Inhibition and acclimatization. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 651: 1294-1301.

[3] Fan N.S., Yang M., Jin R.C., Qi R.* Isolation and genomic characterization of an Acinetobacter johnsonii bacteriophage AJO2 from bulking activated sludge. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10: 00266.

[4] Fan N.S., Yang M., Rossetti S., Caterina L., Qi R.* Monitoring, isolation and characterization of Microthrix parvicella strains from a Chinese wastewater treatment plant. Water Science & Technology, 2019, 79(7): 1406-1416.


[1] Fan N.S., Wang R.F., Qi R., Gao Y.X., Rossetti S., Tandoi V., Yang M.* Control strategy for filamentous sludge bulking: Bench-scale test and full-scale application. Chemosphere, 2018, 210: 709-716.

[2] Fan N.S., Qi R., Rossetti S., Tandoi V., Gao Y.X., Yang M.* Factors affecting the growth of Microthrix parvicella: Batch tests using bulking sludge as seed sludge. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 609: 1192-1199.

[3] Fan N.S., Qi R., Yang M.* Isolation and characterization of a virulent bacteriophage infecting Acinetobacter johnsonii from activated sludge. Research in Microbiology, 2017, 168(5): 472-481.


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l [发明专利] 一种厌氧氨氧化菌种的保藏及恢复方法 ZL 201910329646.7

l [发明专利] 耐受高浓度螺旋霉素的厌氧氨氧化颗粒污泥的培养方法 ZL 201910465251.X


l 2021年,浙江省第十七届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,省二等奖

l 2021年,第四届浙江省大学生环境生态科技创新大赛,省二等奖

l 2020年,第五节全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛,一等奖2项、三等奖1

l 指导学生获得“国创”、“星光计划”项目多项立项








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